Install Cygwin/X
2. Add below script to C:\cygwin\home\user\.bashrc
export DISPLAY=:0.0
2. Start XWin Server
3. Type command on shell to start Emacs
$ emacs
Install color-theme for emacs
1. Download , file: 2. Extract to C:\cygwin\home\user\.emacs.d
3. Create file, C:\cygwin\home\user\.emacs
4. Add below script to file, .emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/color-theme-6.6.0/")
Change Emacs theme
1. Open Emacs on Cygwin (Turn on X Server and type: emacs)
2. Type: 'M-x load-library'; then type: 'color-theme'
3. Type: 'M-x color-theme-select'
Set user's default theme
Put below scripts to file .emacs
(require 'color-theme) (color-theme-initialize) (color-theme-robin-hood)
Last script 'robin-hood' is the name of theme
Check load-path
'C-h v load-path RET'