Tuesday, September 11, 2007

IAR File Type

Reference: EWARM_UserGuide.pdf
.d79: Target application with debug information, output from: XLINK
.i: Preprocessed source, output from: compiler
.i79: ARM chip settings, input to IAR embedded workbench
.lst: List output, output fromL XLINK
.r79: Object module
.xcl: Extended command line
.mac: C-SPY macro definition, input to: C-SPY

.ewd: Project setting for C-SPY, output from:IAR Embedded Workbench
.ewp: IAR Embedded workbench project
.eww: Workspace file

1 comment:

麥克斯 said...

a79, Target application,
Output from XLINK
Input to EPROM, C-SPY