Friday, October 22, 2010

Test CAN-USB/2

Start-up device
% cd ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/iproute2/iproute2-2.6.31/ip
% ./ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 25000

Stop device
% ./ip link set can0 down

Reference: ..\can-usb2\SocketCAN\ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0\doc
Files: CAN-API_Part1_Function_Manual.pdf, page 90
Before starting the test, the start-up process isn't necessary.

Test: Show device info
% cd ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/cantest
% ./cantest
CAN Test Rev 2.9.11  -- (c) 1997-2010 esd electronic system design gmbh

Available CAN-Devices:
Net  60: ID=SocketCAN Dll=3.3.00 Driver=2.0.03 Firmware=1.0.06 S/N=GF000754
         Hardware=1.0.00 Baudrate=00000004 Status=00000000 Features=0022
         Timestamp=000493334fa504c2 TimestampFreq=1000000 Hz

Syntax: cantest test-Nr [net id-1st id-last count
        txbuf rxbuf txtout rxtout baud testcount data0 data1 ...]
Test  0:  canSend()
Test  1:  canWrite()
Test 51:  canWrite() with incrementing ids
Test  2:  canTake()
Test 12:  canTake() with time-measurement for 10000 can-frames
Test 22:  canTakeT()
Test 32:  canTake() in Object-Mode
Test 42:  canTakeT() in Object-Mode
Test  3:  canRead()
Test 13:  canRead() with time-measurement for 10000 can-frames
Test 23:  canReadT()
Test  4:  canReadEvent()
Test 64:  Retrieve bus statistics (every tx timeout)
Test 74:  Reset bus statistics
Test  5:  canSendEvent()
Test  8:  Create auto RTR object
Test  9:  Wait for RTR reply
Test 19:  Wait for RTR reply without text-output

Baudrate=00000004, which representing baudrate is 250000bps

Reading Test
% ./cantest 23 60 1 100 20 20 20 20 20 4 50 50 4 22

test-Nr: 23
net: 60
id-1st: 1
last-id: 100
count: 20
txbuf: 20
rxbuf: 20
txtout: 20
rxtout: 20
baud: 4 (250000bps)
testcount: 22

Write Test
./cantest 51 60 1 100 20 20 20 20 20 4 50 50 4 22

test-Nr: 51
net: 60
id-1st: 1
last-id: 100
count: 20
txbuf: 20
rxbuf: 20
txtout: 20
rxtout: 20
baud: 4 (250000bps)
testcount: 22

Baudrate table
0: 1000 kbps
E *2) 800 kbps
1: 666.6 kbps
2: 500 kbps
3: 333.3 kbps
4: 250 kbps
5: 166 kbps
6: 125 kbps
7: 100 kbps
10 *2): 83.3 kbps
8: 66.6 kbps
9: 50 kbps
A: 33.3 kbps
B: 20 kbps
C: 12.5 kbps
D: 10 kbps

Thursday, October 14, 2010

CAN-USB/2 start-up process

../can-usb2/SocketCAN/socketcan-trunk-r1110/kernel/2.6/Documentation/networking/can.txt 6.5.3

Install SocketCAN plugin
% cd ~max/src/can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/
% make
% ./
% cd iproute2/iproute2-2.6.31
% make

Start CAN-USB/2
% cd ~max/src/can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/iproute2/iproute2-2.6.31/ip

Start device
% ./ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 250000 

Display device status-1
% ./ip -details -statistics link show can0

Display device status-2
% cd /sys/class/net/can0/statistics



Device working status
% cd /sys/class/net/can0
% cat operstate
% ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/socketcan-trunk-r1110/test/canecho

Device properties
% cd ~max/src/can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/iproute2/iproute2-2.6.31/ip/
% ./ip link set can0 type can tq 16 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 6 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
% ./ip link set can0 type can bitrate 250000
% ./ip -details -statistics link show can0
% ./ip -details link show can0

Device operation
Start CAN interface
% ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/socketcan-trunk-r1110/etc/can_if start

Device testing
% ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/cantest/cantest
% ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/socketcan-trunk-r1110/can-utils/cangen interface

Programming reference
% ../can-usb2/SocketCAN/ntcanSckPlugin32-1.0.3-2.0.3-ntcan-3.3.0/doc